Megan Campbell Carter

Life Adventures Never Stop

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Time flies....

Time really does fly....haven't you ever seen it? You have to try really hard to catch it....but you never do...somehow time always catches you though. Huh.

I wish I had my PC, so I could upload some pics, but alas, no internet at the new home yet and my lappy isn't getting wireless the rents will have to do. Yesterday I got to spend some awesome time with my family. I went through the temple and all my siblings got to be there and my parents and John. It was pretty special and I think it was awesome for my mom and dad. We went to dinner at Los Hermanos and let me tell you, they weren't that good last night...or maybe it was just because I was starving and I get cranky when I'm hungry. Anyway...good times. My brothers are pretty funny and I love that John gets along with my family. Sometimes I wonder what it'll actually be like when we're married into each others families, because I tend to be more outspoken when I know people better or when I don't care and I think maybe once we're married....there may come a point when both of us don't care as much as we do now. Sorry to all families involved. ;)

Well...since I didn't catch time while it was flying, I'm amazed at how it is catching me. The wedding is in less than 2 weeks and I still have a few things to do (kinda important things). And sadly, I'm so tired and ready to have the wedding done with, it doesn't make me very motivated to get those few things done. Oh well....some people may just hate me...for simply being me at my own wedding....shocker there. :)


Blogger Kayla said...

I can totally relate with you on the time getting away thing. I never know where time has gone! Also, I've tagged you...check out my blog to get the info. No obligation though!

June 23, 2008 at 1:40 AM  
Blogger Krystal said...

I don't know why I didn't add you to my blog before now... I got confused with adding 2 other Megs... so, sorry about that! Anyway, yes time flies... probably more-so for you than me, I've only had 2 days off from subbing since school got out! I must be crazy.

June 23, 2008 at 9:19 PM  

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