YAY!!! School is finally out! I don't think I could be more happy.....except if the wedding were completely planned and I was already married. ;) Kindergarten graduation went great yesterday(aren't they cute?!?.....with only one little kid dancing through the whole entire program (it should be on America's funniest home videos). Today we signed autographs, played at the park, had ice cream and were done. Needless to say it all went smoothly....except for the end, when I was running around the school looking for the infamous Isabella's. Expect those 2 girls to give us our last heartache in the last 5 minutes, on the last day of school!!!

you're getting a new principal too, huh? We had a lunch brought in today and it was very sad... I went from being at acrappy school with a crazy terrible principal, to being at a great school with an amazing principal, and now she's gone too! So not fair!! good luck with the wedding plans and summer school... I still have 4 days of school left and haven't even looked at my summer school unit!
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