Alright, this will definitely be one of my last posts on this blog. John and I are setting up our new blog tonight and we both plan on using that together. I'm so excited to finally start a new one where John can make posts and where the background is not so crazy! 2 days after I got this one I hated it, but I really didn't want to have to save and remember what was on it again. haha! It is a pain though. We'll post a link to our new blog when it's up.
On another note, school has started and I am really looking forward to this year. I only have 20 students in my regular session and 16 in my all day and compared to last year, they are angels! I absolutely love them. Anything is better than the "biting-hitting-swearing-running-I'm going to put my head in the toilet and food on my face" child. Ah poor Sam....loved her....just hope I never have another. Especially after I had to go to the Instacare when she bit me!! Also I finally went to the Carter Family favorite Bombay House Friday with John, Sam, Diana and Michael. Despite what I thought (and how hungry I wasn't from the reception) I enjoyed the food. Even more surprising is that I liked it a lot better as leftovers. Yum!! Even though it did make me sickish both times, it tasted good.