Megan Campbell Carter

Life Adventures Never Stop

Friday, April 25, 2008

Aha Moments and Borderline Insanity

So, I'm sitting here in class, watching the high school students work with my Kindergarten class and I'm thinking "I'm going to go crazy!" I love my class and I love teaching, but something about the last month of school makes the kids go nuts! It was all I could do to keep my mouth from screaming out loud!

So the project they were working on was a card for our principal and a story about their fieldtrip, something they have done everyday since the first day of school. They know the writing process and they know where to get the words they are looking for, plus they have a whole bunch of high school students and myself helping them. BUT, for the life of me, only 8 were writing without coming up to me every five seconds asking me how to spell words they know! AHHHHH!!! I must just be tired, but they were driving me nuts! I think they were even driving each other nuts. Various little voices throughout the room were saying "Stretch your words! Look on the word wall! It's P-I-G-pig! Go back and reread it!" After hearing all these little voices, I just started laughing. They were using phrases that I had taught them during Writers Workshop the whole year. So, now I'm thinking, they are driving me crazy, but hey, they actually get it. 8 months of repetition and they are repeating it to each other!

That right there, takes the craziness back into perspective. They drive me crazy at times, but they are only 5 and in the end, I know they are learning something and that is what makes my job so worthwhile, even in they are driving me crazy!!


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